Re-sharing this earlier post by guest writer, "Tanguera Escondida", about using cabeceo... The cabeceo is considered an “Argentine” method of asking someone to dance. And honestly, it is not easy for us North Americans to feel comfortable staring at someone so directly. But once you get the hang of it, it’s definitely a great way to acknowledge your mutual interest in … [Read more...]
Practicing Tango
Tanguera Escondida returns with more thoughtful and humorous observations on the benefits of practice and a salad with tuna: A couples months ago I said something truly ridiculous to my tango partner, Klondike. He had remarked that I'd danced beautifully at a recent milonga with good posture and elegance. I really took this compliment to heart, since he is not one to … [Read more...]
Tango Dancing with the Stars
Everyone has to start somewhere. In Tango, we were all beginners at one point. But once we get past the point of being a beginner and become moderately competent, most of us do not want the challenge of dancing with a beginner again. It might make us look bad, or much worse, we may get hurt. I must point out this situation does differ between men and women. Followers … [Read more...]
How Many Tandas?
Half a tanda or 10? When do you leave a tanda, and for how many do you stay? The latest from guest writer Tanguera Escondida. One of my worst experiences in tango happened recently. I was sitting along the wall at a popular milonga when a dignified-looking man approached, wearing a pin-striped suit and button-up shirt, his graying hair nicely coiffed. He came up to me and … [Read more...]
More Tango Confessions by Tanguera Escondida
Another humorous story by guest writer Tanguera Escondida: Situations In Which Followers Should Be Paid To Go To Group Classes I recently decided to take a group class with one of my favorite instructors in the Bay area. I love his focus on the basics, his salon tango embrace, the way he walks around the dance floor, adjusting shoulders here, a stomach there, feet … [Read more...]