After-hours DJ Club turns into Argentine Milonga.
Yep, I’m talking about El Abrazo, the once a month Friday night Milonga at Danzhaus.
Danzhaus, aka the Gingerbread House, located in the industrial part of Potrero Hill, is San Francisco’s only professional dance studio and late night party venue that has also been named “Best of the Bay” by the SF Bay Guardian. The owners, John Zane and Ann Jung, obviously know what they are doing, as they have been providing dance space in San Francisco since 1982.

The Danzhaus calendar lists classes for such eclectic styles of dance such as Hula, Clogging, Zumba and “Alternative Dance”. Other upcoming events include: “Abigail, the Salem Witch Trials Rock Opera 2012” and Swing Goth. Wow!
So yes, I think Argentine Tango fits in quite nicely.
Upon entering you will find a quiet and nicely decorated front room with large comfy chairs and paintings. As you continue down the hallway, a smiling host will greet you, ready to take your cash for the party. There is a coat rack along the back wall and long couches that face the dance floor. Further behind the couch are tables and chairs, then a bar, and then booths for those who prefer to sit, drink and socialize before and after hitting the dance floor. The crowd is friendly, social and relaxed.

You will find the dance floor to be quite lovely as the sprung floor is smooth and easy to pivot upon. Plus it’s large enough so that it rarely get’s that “too crowded” feeling. One of the things that I like most about this milonga is that everyone shows up. It is not the kind of milonga that only particular crowd or age group attends. It really does bring in everyone. Much credit must be given to Mayumi Fujio for organizing and hosting this event. She is very connected to the Tango scene and always brings in top-quality guest instructors and performers. And sometime she performs and teaches too, which is always a treat.

Speaking of quality teachers, past guest instructors include: Metropolitano Champions for Vals category 2012: Facundo de la Cruz and Paola Sanzand, Argentine Maestros: Eduardo Saucedo and Guillermo Cerneaz and some of our regular favorites, Oscar and Ana plus Juan Cantone and Sol Orozco.

This Friday, September 28th, our long missed, and much loved, Homer and Cristina will be the guest instructors.
There will also be a special DJ: Julio from Buenos Aires
Here is the schedule:
8:00 – 9:00 Pre milonga class by Homer & Cristina
9:00 – 2:00am milonga DJ by Julio Nieto
If that is not enough excitement, Jennifer Olson will be selling Tango shoes: Comme il Faut, DNI and NeoTango shoes. Ladies – make sure to come early to find the pair for you!
See you there!